Some of the friends that have come to volunteer with us...

Cooking is a very important part of our daily activities, we are vegetarians and we love to share and teach delicious recipes with our friends.

Are you looking for: volunteering, Eco Yoga Village,  near Santiago Chile Chili, Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, meditation, retreat, sweat lodge, spiritual, spirituality, alternative life style, community, ashram,  temazcal, rituals, nature, mountains, cooking classes, good vegetarian food, hatha yoga, music therapy, mantras from India, ecologic, gardening, compost making, philosophy, vedic, bhagavad gita, incense, swimming in the river, biking trip, top 10, fun things to do, weekend trip, lodging, hostel in nature?  Come to Eka Chakra!

¿Estás buscando: voluntariado, cerca de Santiago de Chile, Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, meditación, retiro, cabana de sudación, espiritual, espiritualidad, estilo de vida alternativo, comunidad, ashram, temazcal, rituales, naturaleza, montañas, clases de cocina,de rica comida vegetariana, hatha yoga , músico terapia, mantras de India, ecológica, jardinería, fabricación de compost, la filosofía védica, Bhagavad gita, incienso, nadar,en el rio, andar en bicicleta, viaje de fin de semana, el alojamiento y hospedaje? Ven a Eka Chakra!

Here we have some of the conscious art and recycling activities.